The Soul Centred Treatment


Step into a world of deep healing and transformation with our Soul-Centered Treatment, a two-hour holistic and somatic healing experience that will nourish your mind, body, and spirit. This immersive journey begins with an affirmation to set the intention for your session, creating a sacred space for healing and self-discovery. The treatment starts with a full-body therapeutic and intuitive massage, tailored to address your individual needs and promote relaxation, release tension, and restore balance. Next, experience the powerful energy healing of reiki to further balance and harmonize your energy centers, promoting a sense of well-being and inner alignment. The gentle yet profound healing energy of reiki will help promote healing on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Following the reiki session, a tarot card reading will provide guidance and insight into your current situation and future path. The cards will offer clarity, validation, and empowerment, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your journey and the opportunities that lie ahead. To conclude this transformative experience, any intuitive or medium messages that came through during the session will be shared with you, offering additional guidance, healing, and support. This soul-centered treatment is designed to help you connect with your inner wisdom, release what no longer serves you, and step into a place of alignment and empowerment. * Receipt provided for insurance benefits
